
Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries

Any nominations or interested parties can contact Mike Lamb, Chair, Pastoral Search Committee at foursheep@cox.net

Job Description

Full Time
1. To provide leadership, energy and direction to our congregational focus on faith development in the youth and their families.
2. To provide leadership and support in developing and carrying out a plan that focuses on the youth, their families, young adults, and college students.
3. To encourage and expand on the foundations of experiencing and sharing the good news of healing and hope with a focus on youth, their families, young adults, and college students.
4. To communicate the congregation's openness, interest and commitment to those not yet involved in a congregation.
Values and principles:
1. Equipping the congregation for ministry through collaborative leadership.
2. Nurturing Anabaptist / Mennonite practice of Christian faith.
3. Cherishing and cultivating the unique spiritual potential within everyone.
4. Nurturing our congregation with the gifts of reflection and discernment so that individuals are empowered and equipped to follow the way of Jesus.
1. A vital relationship with Jesus Christ and vibrant spirit that reflects the joy of Jesus.
2. Knowledge and understanding of the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective (1995).
3. Well-grounded in Biblical knowledge and the Anabaptist Faith.
4. Passion for young people and their families, and relational.
5. Committed to ongoing personal growth and development; capable of self-reflection.
6. Ability to work well as part of a team.
7. Educational and professional background that has laid a good foundation of preparation for the role; seminary training and successful pastoral experience preferred.
8. Credentialed by South Central Mennonite Conference
1. Attend scheduled pastoral team meetings.
2. Participate in scheduled staff meetings.
3. Supervisory accountability to Pastoral Team Leader:
a. The Pastoral Team Leader will maintain supervisory accountability of the Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries in relation to their work in the congregation, progress toward goals, fulfilling job responsibilities as outlined in their job descriptions and other like matters.
4. Review by congregation every three years – facilitated by HR Committee.
5. Provide written updates to the Governance Board regularly, describing work toward the accomplishment of the annual goals of their position, including descriptions of the work of ministry teams relating to that pastor. Attend Governance Board meetings as desired and/or requested.
6. Participate with other Pastors in the leadership of Ministry Teams.
Primary responsibilities:
1. Establish relationships of trust and integrity with members of the congregation, with a special focus on youth (grades 5 – 12) and their families.
2. Provide leadership in working with the congregation and pastoral staff to review the vision and goals of the ministry pertaining to youth, their families, young adults and college students.
3. Work with Education Team and congregation to recruit, develop and equip persons to help carry out ministry and programming with youth (grades 5 – 12), their families, young adults and college students.
4. Provide leadership in selection, adaptation, utilization and review of curriculums that support the spiritual development of youth (grades 5 – 12), their families, young adults and college students.
5. Assist with preaching responsibilities in coordination with other pastoral staff members, with an expectation of preaching periodically.
6. Attend to personal spiritual growth.
Responsibilities shared as a part of the pastoral team:
1. Function as a member of the Pastoral Team, with relationships of integrity, accountability and transparency.
2. Participate in public congregational ministry including participation in leading various aspects of worship.
3. Collaborate in leading the programs and ministries of the congregation within the framework of the adopted mission of Hesston Mennonite Church.
4. Provide pastoral care for special needs within the congregation, such as hospitalization, birth, death, personal and family difficulties, marriage preparation, and instruction of new believers.
5. Oversee the administration of the church rituals, such as baptism, Lord's supper, marriage, commissioning, parent/child dedication, anointing with oil.
6. Represent the congregation in the wider church and in the community, such as South Central Conference, pastor-peer group, Hesston Chamber of Commerce, Hesston College.
7. Provide input and counsel to the Caring Team on matters of membership and pastoral care within the congregation.
8. Maintain connection with area resources (such as MCUSA, regional conferences, and area Mennonite churches) for support in this ministry.