Hesston Mennonite Church
Use the map below and the list of activities as your guide to our location and ministries.
309 S. Main Street
Hesston, KS 67062
tel: 620-327-4885
Office Hours
Mondays: 8:00am - 12:00pm
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Saturday, Sunday: Closed
Sunday Mornings
9:00 - Sunday School
10:00 - Fellowship Time
10:30 - Worship Service
Wednesday Evening
6:00 SHINE (Pre K to 4th Grade)
6:00 Middle School Youth
7:30 High School Youth
309 S. Main Street
Hesston, KS 67062
tel: 620-327-4885
Sunday Mornings
9:00 - Sunday School
10:00 - Fellowship Time
10:30 - Worship Service
Wednesday Evening
6:00 SHINE (Pre K to 4th Grade)
6:00 Middle School Youth
7:30 High School Youth