Anti-Racism Resources
"We believe that God has created human beings in the divine image. God formed them from the dust of the earth and gave them a special dignity among the works of creation. Human beings have been made for relationships with God, to live in peace with each other, and to take care of the rest of creation." (Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, 1995, Article 6).
We believe the above to apply to all of humanity and that race is a human construct that violates our calling and our nature as God's image-bearers. We lament and confess the ways in which we, purposefully or by indifference, have participated in racist acts and systems. We desire to repent (turn away from) these evils and follow Christ in living a better way. We seek to find ways to go beyond just being "not racist" but to be anti-racist.
This page is only the first step in that journey. It is a place where we can find and share resources so that we may educate ourselves and amplify the voices of those who are directly experiencing racism and those working to make positive change. We do not own these works nor benefit financially from sharing them. We hope and pray that you will find these resources to be helpful in expanding our congregation's knowledge so that we may actively and nonviolently resist this evil.
We also invite you to connect with Mennonite Church USA and partner organization resources: MC USA Statement on Racial Injustice, Anabaptist Faith Formation Dismantling Racism.
A This item was produced within the Anabaptist/Mennonite family of churches.
C This item was produced with the wider Christian family of churches.
F This item is a fictional story based on real-life experiences.
Systemic Racism Explained
Race in America
Mennonite Church USA: Race, Church, and Change Part One
Mennonite Church USA: Race, Church, and Change Part Two
Worship of a False God - An Interview with Bryan Massingale by Regina Munch (Commonweal Magazine)
Open Letter to a Friend Waking Up to Racism by Ángel Flores Fontánez, SJ (The Jesuit Post)
A Letter to my White Male Friend of a Certain Age by Dax Devlon-Ross (Third Settlements)
Smithsonian's 158 Resources to Understand Racism in America by Meilan Solly (Smithsonian Magazine)
We welcome suggestions for additional resources to add to this page. We reserve the right to review and decide whether or not to post suggested resources. Please use the form below to make suggestions of resources you have found helpful. Please include the name of the resource, a web-link to this resource, and a brief description of why you are suggesting it. Thank you!